субота, 24 квітня 2010 р.

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I've been using vitamin V for more than four years now, and it has worked very well for me. I buy 100 mg. pills and cut them in half, then take the half a pill. On the days that I take it (usually once a week, on an empty stomach), my wife and I have sex in the late afternoon (an hour or so after chewing up the pill), then once again that night before we fall asleep. It's been just great for our sex lives. In the last few months, however, I've been having trouble keeping an erection during intercourse, despite no apparent health problems, even with the Viagra. I've even tried upping the dosage to 100 mg, but this doesn't help much. Four and half years ago, before getting the first prescription, I was tested for testosterone level, and it was normal. Has anyone else experienced a dropoff in effectiveness after years of usage? And, do you have any ideas of why this might be happening and/or what I might do about it? Thank you. My boyfriend's Erection issues Sex sex sex sex sex thats all i think about allday long! i want it all day every day, and being single doesnt help much either! is there anything doctors can do to lower it? i figure if im not having sex but the urges are there it cant be doing me any good! its a viscous cycle as the less sex i get the more i want it! its taking over my life and making me depressed! Buy cialis generic

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Looking for the best natural male enhancement product I recently changed my pcp and I am very thankful for doing so. I got so much more help with my first visit with my new doctor than I did from most of my old ones put together. Here is my question, I have been on Lexapro for 5 years or so, and I have chronic pain along with depression and anxiety. When my chronic pain started last year I asked my doctor if I could switch to Cymbalta, and go off of Lexapro, he said I could but I would have to go off lexapro completely, that meant the nasty withdrawals even with tapering. I have gone off of Lexapro once to have my second son, and it was terrible. It was not as bad as effexor but still bad enough for me to promise myself that I would stay on the antidepressant for a long time. Anyway, I was disappointed that I could not go on cymbalta, I have read and heard a lot of people say it is a wonder drug for pain and depression. I never brought it up again. I met with my new doctor the other day, I was so nervous she would not take on my care, but she did, and she offered me cymbalta to take instead of lexapro. My head spun around, I was excited, a possibility to feel better, and I told her my old doctor said I could not take it unless I went off of lexapro completely, and I think he even said I would need to wait a time period for it to be out of my system like 2 weeks. She said, "no you can take cymbalta starting tomorrow, you just can't take them both at the same time." So I stopped taking lexapro on Thursday, and I am on day 2 of cymbalta. I am hopeful that it will help me. My husband went on Cymbalta for a couple of months, and had some side effects, like raciness, and lack of libido, but it helped him with depression and pain. He had the same side effects on Lexapro. I am excited and wondering if anybody else has had a similiar experience? Thank you, Kassandra When viagra doesnt work I've been using Viagra for about 5 years.I started witgh 50mg now I'm on 100mg.It's not working as well as it once did. availablility of viagra in new zealand

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Okay guys. I know there are already LOADS of threads on this topic but I just wanna know if any of you who hardly ever have wet dreams/have never had em have had any luck with not masturbating/having sex. so does abstaining from any sexual activity increase the likelihood of havin a wet dream. I just feel like I'm missing out on something in my life. I haven't masturbated since monday and I'll see how it goes - but I'm feeling REALLY horny so it's pretty hard going (no pun intended!). Thanks. Matt. Prices of viagra and cialis Is my penis of adequate size? Viagra freesample offer Check this out: http://www.healthboards.com/boards/showthread.php?t=125324 (copy and paste the URL) female use viagra

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