вівторок, 23 березня 2010 р.

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Hi All, this is my first first here. At the (not so) grand age of 38 I've recently started having a few problems downstairs. I'm not impotent but I don't achieve full strength any more. Nothing new here, probably most guys reading this board have similar symptoms or wouldn't be here. I've been investigating online about Viagra, Cialis, Levitra etc but my big concern is that 5 years ago I had Fast AF (Atrial Fibrillation). It was an isolated case and at the time my heart rate was 200+. After a hospital stay I reverted and subsequently had several consultations with the Cardiologist and he advised me to go it alone without medication as he suspected I might not be affected again. 5 years on I'm still OK on that score. This was about 5 months before my father died and at the time he was very ill, the doctor actually said my AF could have been stress induced due to my fathers illness. I haven't spoken to my Doctor about the ED but is an old isolated case of AF a problem with ED treatments or is it just persistent and current Arrhythmia that's an issue? Any and all advice greatly appreciated before I go and muster the courage to talk to the doctor. Thanks..
My penis today and see that the frenulum is completely torn. i don't see how the frenulum will grow back by itself, but the pain has subsided since the day of the accident. will i be able to have normal sex later? i am afraid to do anything right now, like pulling back the foreskin, because it may hurt the healing process. i read that i should keep it clean and use antibotics cream, but i'm afraid i may make it bleed again if i open the foreskin. i never thought something like this would happen, but i guess this is why we called them accidents. thanks for your advice. -jason Adivise please  ajanta kamagra

You have the phone by the bed in case you need to ring an ambulance in the night. You don't leave the house without xanax and aspirin in your bag. When you have panic attack in the night you stay up writing letters to your family because you just know that this time it's the real thing and you're going to die. You feel your pulse fifty million times a day.

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Hi. I am a mle in my late 30's. No problem with ED yet, but do experience the odd occation when my erection is disappointing. I am currently not interested in "Viagra" and other medication as there is not a drastic need for this. I occasionally do use a generic product for "recreational" purposes which me and my girlfriend both enjoy a lot! I would like to hear from other men what do they eat exactly and what minerals do they take as supliments to boost their sex drive and their erections and libido. I for sure will try! please share!

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Hi I am another self-loather I am 37 and was diagnosed with type 2 when I was 19. I lived the next 17 years in TOTAL denial that I had diabeties. Like the others have said it does catch up with you. I have had 2 babies in the past 3 years and therefore have every reason to live and be able to see. I too have had eye issues, thankfully Im not blind, but my sight is DEFINATALEY being affected. I actually go to see a specialist on Monday to have some dye put in my eye balls to check for haemorages etc. They have found a few small spots on my right eye and my vision has been getting blurry on and off the past few weeks. Needless to say I am ABSOLUTELY terrified IT DOES AND WILL CATCH UP WITH YOU ! I still to this very day HATE the fact that I am diabetic and curse everyone and everything for it and say WHY ME ? I too am not always good and eat crap. This has affected me to the point that I now suffer anxiety/depression and panic attacks as I am so frightened that the 17 yrs of totally pretending I dont have Edinburgh uk viagra tid news moo Anal sex question?

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Problems with sex - 2 parts: 1) If I don't masturbate for a long time and then try to have sex, I get a hard erection no problem but I prematurely ejaculate. 2) If I masturbate somewhat regularly to alleviate the above problem, then I can't maintain the erection for a very long time and for what I can maintain it's not very hard. How can I get out of this viscious circle? medical marvels century twentieth viagra Hi, Hope you and your girlfriend can work through all this. You sound very caring and like my hubby says, it is not only about the sex! Best of luck, skyy11 Best levitra I accidentally took two viagra of my husband's. They were in an asprin bottle and I didn't pay any attention to the pills until this morning when I went to take a couple of more (didn't know he even had them). Should I be concerend about any problems? I can tell you that they didn't have the effect on me last night that they do on men http://www.healthboards.com/ubb/smile.gif

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