субота, 13 березня 2010 р.

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For those of you who don't know what they are, might as well skip over this one, as you won't have a clue as to what I'm talking about or how to answer it! I use poppers *SOMETIMES* when I have sex and a lot when I masturbate. Recently, I've been doing a lot of 'Googling' on the subject and I really didn't know they *could* be bad for you, however for the most part they are fairly safe. Today however, I came across an article (not sure how old the article is) but it said that they could be dangerous, sometimes FATAL to people who are on anti-depressants! I was just curious if there was really any truth to that statement? Because on any other site that I have researched them on, not one of the sites said anything about that at all (regarding anti-depressants). I'm not addicted or anything to them, heck I've gone weeks, months etc without even using them but I do have to admit, it really adds some major hotness! If any guys or even girls could share what they know, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

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D become physically closer. This did not erase my performance anxiety completely. We enjoyed oral sex but my performance anxiety appeared preventing us from penetrative sex (to completion). I often suggest that we should massage eachother and I get rebuffed by my girlfriend. We are open and frank about sex and she claims that as an intellectual (she is indeed highly intellectual) she has a lower sex drive than most and does not consider sex to be a major part of the relationship. I am now seeing a clinical psychologist as is my girlfriend to address this issue. I am concerned that my girlfriend has a low sex drive and I am extremely passionate but my performance anxiety overrules my passion and appetite for sex. I love my girlfriend very much and we have so much in common that I would hate to split up. However I do not feel passionate or lustful towards her and consider her more of a best friend than a (future) lover. I love her but am not in love with her and find myself more attracted to blondes (she is bru

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