пʼятниця, 4 червня 2010 р.

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Viagra and Prozac australia in sale viagra Adymyl, Any chance you know what the ED clinic is. I like BMG because they are private but they're ridiculously expensive. file viewtopic t 21513 cialis I will be brief as possible. In May 06 I was prescribed vicodin by my family doctor for lower back pain. After an MRI and a dismissal of interest by an orthopedic doc in Aug of 07 the family doctor referred me to a pain management doc. The pain management doc began a series of 3 injections within a 3-4 month period and had me sign a "contract" stating he would assume all pain meds. The pain was relieved by the shots especially down my legs. The 4th shot which had to be postponed until necessary (cannot have more than 4 in a year I think) was given in Aug of 08. After each injection the pain doc would leave a voice mail checking the condition of my pain although I never talked to him personally. I never had to return his call because I was doing fine. In Sept of 08 I started another round of these injections and the relief was in check and his call was made again to check the progress. In October I went in for the second shot for the treatment year. Immediately after I got the injection my back began to hurt like it never had at the location of the injection. I missed his call the following day as usual but called a week later and left them a voice mail that I was experiencing some moderate to sever pain. Just riding in a car and hitting a bump would bring tears to my eyes. Two weeks went by and I called again asking to be referred to an orthopedic or neuro doc. No response by the office for over a week. (I forgot to mention that during the last visit prior to the injection I had asked the pain doc if we should explore going to a Neuro or Ortho, he said not yet that he would try something called "fawcet" injections). Anyway after about three weeks of trying to let him know I was in severe pain by now his office called and referred me to a neuro. By now it was December and the wait to see the Neuro was 6 weeks. In the interim my family doc ordered another MRI, prior to getting the results of this MRI I called my family doc and told him the pain was intense. He prescribed Vicodin 500/5 I think and 10mg Oxycontin. In the meantime I had a previous RX from the pain doc that was due to expire at the end of the month. One week expires from the visit to the family doc and I get a call from his nurse assistant to come in the next day (this is very unusual and it scared me because I had just had the MRI and thought something serious was going on). So I go in and he rips me a new one saying the pain doc had run a CASPER report and said I was abusing drugs and shopping doctors, he threatened to involve the local Narcotic.s department because I had gotten another script from someone other than him and I had signed a form. (by the way I never picked up the new RX and put the script on hold at the pharmacy. Ok, back to the ripping.I got mad at my family doc and told him I never filled the rx and that I was in pain and didn't appreciate being labeled a drug addict, I am in pain and all I want is relief of this problem. The MRI report was on his clipboard as he was rippin 1000 g me.when the conversation was over he began to walk out I stopped him and said "well what about my back and the MRI report? He stopped and said "oh you do have a report here", I was very livid at this point. He read it and it said I had an A-Typical Hemangionoma on my spine. I asked if the pain doc could have hit it during that shot in Nov. he said it was possible but that is why I signed a hold harmless agreement with him and sometimes things get worse with your back. So now I am awaiting the appointment next week with the Neuro. In the meantime since the last shot in Nov I have not been able to sleep in a bed, I have slept in a recliner, I can't walk straight, I can't drive long distances and am in constant pain. I have since seen the family doc again to refill the meds because you have to see him once a month to get refills and can you believe he asked if I wanted to up the dosages of the vicodin and oxycontin? I refused to but have been in bad pain. I am going to see the neuro and ask if the pain doc could have stuck this tumor thing in my back causing the current issues if so I plan on seeking legal advice against him. Thats pretty much the deal right now, I hope there are readers that can use this info when contemplating a pain management doc. My experience is that all these docs are just out for our money and to save their asses and really not concerned about our pain. I got labeled a drug taker and I am upset like you can't imagine about this and if my suspicion that the pain doc really hurt my condition is confirmed by a neuro I plan on suing him once I am taken care of. My life has been crap since he gave me that last injection. I wonder if anyone else has been labeled like this and or been hurt like I claim has happened to me? Thanks for reading BW USA

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Iv been ejaculating into a small bottle for awhile and theres a nice amount of sperm now that iv been saving in that bottle. i was wondering if it was safe for me to either drink/pour it on myself next time i masterbate(yes im gay). the reason i ask if its ok,is because its just been sitting in my room and has not been refrigerated.i dont know,guess it doesnt need to be,just scared it could cause health problems cause its not fresh and the sperm cells are dead,i assume and was thinking that could be toxic to your body. well thanks for any answers. Girlfriend's vagina smells bad

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My husband is in his early 30's and relatively healthy. we have sex a few times a month-we have kids and have been married for almost 10 years. we have always enjoyed fantastic sex. he would always have an occasional problem staying erect that would come and go. lately it's been more frequent. but on top of that, now when we start having sex, he says that he is having a problem controlling his orgasm, so when he "holds it back", right after he loses his erection and we can't finish. It's becoming quite an issue and I'm feeling depressed because I feel like I am unable to keep him hard. I mean, if a man is turned on then he gets hard right? it only stands to reason that he just isn't enjoying me. is there anything we can do to help him with this controlling the orgasm issue?

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A friend was wondering, does anybody know? do herbal life products workphentermine side effects acne appetite suppressant Only becuase I've seen a lot of questions throughout the many topics, I thought I would post some personal information that may help some folks in here. I've been taking viagra for about 18 months now. The side effects vary from congestion to a mild case of the runs (several hours later). For me, Viagra works best when on an empty stomach. Sometimes I would starve myself just to have great sex. About an hour before sex, I will dissolve 50 mgs in my mouth rather than swallowing the pill. It taste a little bitter, but seems to work better this way. The first intercourse session I will usually wear a condom because it helps me last longer. After the first ejacualtion I wait about ten minutes and I'm ready to go again. I can sustain erections off and on for the next few hours. After the first orgasm, I can sustain an erection for an hour or more before having the next orgasm. This is great and drives my partner wild. About this time I will disolve another 25 mgs in my mouth. Now for me having an orgasm (after

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Im a 21 year old male, me and my GF have been dating 5 years now, I have never been unfaithful and to my knowledge she hasnt either. She is on birth control, and has been for a few years, and we have been having regular sex (~3-4 times a week, sometimes more, sometimes less) for about 4 years. I dont suspect she has cheated on me ever (especially right now we have been together 24/7 lately), or that I have an STD. We didnt have sex for about a week while she was on her period, and I hadnt ejaculated in about 6 days, which is very very abnormal for me. I rarely go 3 days without ejaculating in some way or another, and I dont remember the last time I even went more than 4 or 5 days, probably at least 5 years, so this 6 day period was extremely long for me. About 10 minutes into sex today, the first time in 6 days, I felt a sharp pain similar to blue balls, but in a way I had never felt before. It wasnt so bad at first, but after we finished about 15 minutes later I was in 'someone must have dropped a 20 pound.
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