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I am bi. and I can tell you that the ones that are over 6 are few and far between. I'm nearly 7 and I alwasy thought I ahd a small one. Actually, I had a big complex about it. But, once I started messing around with guys I learned different. Are you sure all the guys you were with were over that size? did you measure or did you jsut look at it and say wow thats huge? You have to remember that your perspective is completly different then when looking at yourself. And if you were with skinny twink guys that makes them look huge because they are so skinny. so it looks bigger compared to the rest of their body. and I'm a christian also and I still have relations with men.
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Meds Hi Feelbad. Yes I do have 2 disc herniations in my C spine I had an MRI back in 2003. both CS-C6 are both herniated from a pretty bad whip lash accident I had in 2002, about 8 months after I had lumbar surgery. I was hit from behind by a guy going about 55-60 mph and I had really bad neck pain for about 2 years, I did a year of PT and it didn't help me at all I also did a chiropractor and worked with a PM Dr so I had the lumbar pain and the Cervical pain at the same time, that was a very dark time for me. It finally setteled down but I have to be careful as it does flare up several times a year, I also have a nerve impigement issue in my neck but the DR said I am not a surgical canidate. I also have fibromyalgia which was confirmed very recently and is getting worse with pain in my knee's and elbows as well as the low back and now my neck. I also suffer from CP in my lumbar area into my sciatic region and my leg and right foot 24/7 so I am a mess. today was another good day for my arm and neck area, it seems to be a LOT better, I am so thankful that I think I pulled a muscle and its healing on its own now THANK GOD. I am so grateful that its clearing up. Thanks again for all your words of wisdon you are a smart lady. I really feel for you having such a bad neck and shoulder. you have my sympathy for what you live with every day of your life, its got to be just miserable for you to have pain in both area's all the time, 2 weeks was enough for me with the arm and neck and shoulder, when I had my auto accident the pain was very different. at first I was stiff and than after a few months I had shoulder muscle pain with huge knots that would never go away, I am so glad after 2 years it went away. I am glad you have a good PM Dr and a good Therapist that helps your pain. All the best to you, < 1000 br /> SS Cheap order site viagra
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