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I told her last week to call the oncall doc, which she did, however he completely dismissed her pain and told her to take aleve or to go to the ER. So since then she has been too afraid to call for anything. So today she called me again in tears and this time I was Ped because she didnt want to call the Doc's for fear they would tell her the same thing. So I got on the phone and left a message for our surgeon's nurse, basically telling her that my daughter was experiencing intense pain and that when she called in last week she was told to take aleve and therefore she has been too afraid to call in to ask for anything else, so she has been suffering for a week and could they please call something in for her, to get her through until Monday's appt. Our nurse called me back and unfortunately I missed the call, but she left a message saying that she was soooooo sorry that she was told to take aleve last week, and they would most definatley call something in for her, that they didnt realize how much pain she was in because the oncall doc failed to say anything about her calling in tears last week, that it would be handled and for us to both come at the same time on Monday and again she apologized profusely and said she would get in touch with my daughter immedia 1000 tley to get a pharmacy number to call her something in. Dont get me wrong I absolutley love my surgeon and his nurse, they are wonderful people, its the other doc's in the practice that I cant stand. They did the same thing to me 5 months post op from my fusion when I had called in one night and I got the SAME oncall doc, and instead of calling in what I had been taking, he wanted me to stop that med completely and he wanted to switch me to what he wanted. I told him straight up, that I was not his patient, that he knew nothing at all about me or my history and had no right stopping any of my meds and switching them without the consent of my surgeon. I guess I was right, and he realized that and kept me on what I was taking. When I saw my surgeon the next time I had told him about the conversation and he said that it should have never happened, that nothing should be changed without his consent and that if the Doc had any concerns, he should have called something in to get me through the night until the next day and then had him handle it from there. He said he was going to discuss it with the other doc, but I guess its still happening, because he dismissed my daughters pain. I explained to my daughter that she should never have to be afraid to ask for something for pain from her doctor's office and that it really ticks me off that patients, including myself are so fearful of being labeled because we do ask. This is really begining to irritate me now. At first I wouldnt say anything and I would suffer through it, then I got to where I would just come out and ask for something, if I was told no, then I would look for another doctor, but then your labeled yet again as doctor shopping. Well yes, of course i'm doctor shopping, but its not to get prescribed meds from each and everyone at the same time, it is to find ONE doctor that is willing to treat my pain with whatever works. This is just getting ridiculous now that patients are really suffering from debilitating pain because there are idiots out there that want to enjoy a night of euphoria, they are taking away from us, the people that truly need the med. Its not that we WANT the med, we NEED it to function. What they take for granted and dont even think about on a daily basis, we struggle to do, suffering the consequences of pain afterwards. Then you have the "good" doctors that are willing to treat patients in pain with strong meds and for long term, and they end up getting locked up because street junkies go in and fake they are sick, or the DEA sends in a dummy patient. I would have to say that most of the docs that are treating pain patients now almost 95% of the time want to constantly inject you even after you've been through them and its been found not to work. So once again we agree to be injected, even though for some it causes more pain on top of what we already deal with, just so we can get medication to control our pain. Patients will do anything just to get decent care and it sickens me that we have to be subjected to treatments that have failed in the past just to walk about of an office with a 30 day script. I'm seeing this new PM doc now that wants to inject me every which way, and of course I agree'd to it, but I agree'd for two reasons. One was because I want to give him a chance to see if HIS way works, but I also agree'd to it so that I could get the meds that work for my pain. The truth of the matter is after being injected now for 2 yrs by 2 different docs, this is probably not going to work, although I am really trying to have a positive attitude. I am very thrilled about the aqua-therapy though, which has not been tried yet and i'm anxious to see how that works, but since i've had my fusion several other problems having to deal with pain are now apart of my life, so what was just a lumbar problem, has now turned into sciatic pain, osteopenia, muscle and nerve damage, a failing L4-L5 level, a dragging leg and much more pain than I ever had before 1000 my fusion. I just feel broken and i'm so tired of fighting to get the pain control that I feel I deserve and that I shouldnt have to be so afraid to ask for and now i'm so worried about my daughter now and her having to go through the same crap. I'm hoping that since she is younger than me that she will heal faster and wont have any other problems afterwards. She has already been told that her only option is surgery, so our appt on Monday is simply to go over her MRI and to discuss how severe it is and what he would like to do and when. My appt with him, is to set up another Discography for the L4-L5 level, to see if we need to fuse that level now as well and to also go over this "partial" fusion word on the report and what does that mean. I live 20 mins outside of DC and i'm just so tempted to take my venting to the "Hill" about how its completely ridiculous for us CP patients to have to suffer and be afraid to ask for relief so we can function like normal human's do. To let them know that I find it disgusting that patients with medical records, MRI's, Ct scans, xrays & discography's, ect that PROVE that there is a problem that does cause severe pain should have to even be questioned about treating they're pain, the proof is on paper, in pictures and is in black and white, provide this person the pain relief they need and stop treating them like a street junkies. Worry about the people that dont have proof there is a problem and treat the people that have proof with some respect. I dont know maybe i'll write a letter to my Congressman to let him know how I feel about all this. Thanks for letting me vent, Lisa

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I told her last week to call the oncall doc, which she did, however he completely dismissed her pain and told her to take aleve or to go to the ER. So since then she has been too afraid to call for anything. So today she called me again in tears and this time I was Ped because she didnt want to call the Doc's for fear they would tell her the same thing. So I got on the phone and left a message for our surgeon's nurse, basically telling her that my daughter was experiencing intense pain and that when she called in last week she was told to take aleve and therefore she has been too afraid to call in to ask for anything else, so she has been suffering for a week and could they please call something in for her, to get her through until Monday's appt. Our nurse called me back and unfortunately I missed the call, but she left a message saying that she was soooooo sorry that she was told to take aleve last week, and they would most definatley call something in for her, that they didnt realize how much pain she was in because the oncall doc failed to say anything about her calling in tears last week, that it would be handled and for us to both come at the same time on Monday and again she apologized profusely and said she would get in touch with my daughter immedia 1000 tley to get a pharmacy number to call her something in. Dont get me wrong I absolutley love my surgeon and his nurse, they are wonderful people, its the other doc's in the practice that I cant stand. They did the same thing to me 5 months post op from my fusion when I had called in one night and I got the SAME oncall doc, and instead of calling in what I had been taking, he wanted me to stop that med completely and he wanted to switch me to what he wanted. I told him straight up, that I was not his patient, that he knew nothing at all about me or my history and had no right stopping any of my meds and switching them without the consent of my surgeon. I guess I was right, and he realized that and kept me on what I was taking. When I saw my surgeon the next time I had told him about the conversation and he said that it should have never happened, that nothing should be changed without his consent and that if the Doc had any concerns, he should have called something in to get me through the night until the next day and then had him handle it from there. He said he was going to discuss it with the other doc, but I guess its still happening, because he dismissed my daughters pain. I explained to my daughter that she should never have to be afraid to ask for something for pain from her doctor's office and that it really ticks me off that patients, including myself are so fearful of being labeled because we do ask. This is really begining to irritate me now. At first I wouldnt say anything and I would suffer through it, then I got to where I would just come out and ask for something, if I was told no, then I would look for another doctor, but then your labeled yet again as doctor shopping. Well yes, of course i'm doctor shopping, but its not to get prescribed meds from each and everyone at the same time, it is to find ONE doctor that is willing to treat my pain with whatever works. This is just getting ridiculous now that patients are really suffering from debilitating pain because there are idiots out there that want to enjoy a night of euphoria, they are taking away from us, the people that truly need the med. Its not that we WANT the med, we NEED it to function. What they take for granted and dont even think about on a daily basis, we struggle to do, suffering the consequences of pain afterwards. Then you have the "good" doctors that are willing to treat patients in pain with strong meds and for long term, and they end up getting locked up because street junkies go in and fake they are sick, or the DEA sends in a dummy patient. I would have to say that most of the docs that are treating pain patients now almost 95% of the time want to constantly inject you even after you've been through them and its been found not to work. So once again we agree to be injected, even though for some it causes more pain on top of what we already deal with, just so we can get medication to control our pain. Patients will do anything just to get decent care and it sickens me that we have to be subjected to treatments that have failed in the past just to walk about of an office with a 30 day script. I'm seeing this new PM doc now that wants to inject me every which way, and of course I agree'd to it, but I agree'd for two reasons. One was because I want to give him a chance to see if HIS way works, but I also agree'd to it so that I could get the meds that work for my pain. The truth of the matter is after being injected now for 2 yrs by 2 different docs, this is probably not going to work, although I am really trying to have a positive attitude. I am very thrilled about the aqua-therapy though, which has not been tried yet and i'm anxious to see how that works, but since i've had my fusion several other problems having to deal with pain are now apart of my life, so what was just a lumbar problem, has now turned into sciatic pain, osteopenia, muscle and nerve damage, a failing L4-L5 level, a dragging leg and much more pain than I ever had before 1000 my fusion. I just feel broken and i'm so tired of fighting to get the pain control that I feel I deserve and that I shouldnt have to be so afraid to ask for and now i'm so worried about my daughter now and her having to go through the same crap. I'm hoping that since she is younger than me that she will heal faster and wont have any other problems afterwards. She has already been told that her only option is surgery, so our appt on Monday is simply to go over her MRI and to discuss how severe it is and what he would like to do and when. My appt with him, is to set up another Discography for the L4-L5 level, to see if we need to fuse that level now as well and to also go over this "partial" fusion word on the report and what does that mean. I live 20 mins outside of DC and i'm just so tempted to take my venting to the "Hill" about how its completely ridiculous for us CP patients to have to suffer and be afraid to ask for relief so we can function like normal human's do. To let them know that I find it disgusting that patients with medical records, MRI's, Ct scans, xrays & discography's, ect that PROVE that there is a problem that does cause severe pain should have to even be questioned about treating they're pain, the proof is on paper, in pictures and is in black and white, provide this person the pain relief they need and stop treating them like a street junkies. Worry about the people that dont have proof there is a problem and treat the people that have proof with some respect. I dont know maybe i'll write a letter to my Congressman to let him know how I feel about all this. Thanks for letting me vent, Lisa

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Need some advice while I am here, so will try and keep it short and sweet. Basically 2 1/2 years ago July 06 I fell down a flight of outdoor cement steps at home and shattered right leg tib/fib open bone blood all over step. Had metal rod put in (also broke left index finger), healing took 3 months to get a weight baring, had 4 other surgeries since 2 finger, 2 leg plus they put a Greenfield filter in me due to me being a lil overweight and not getting the weight baring status right away. While I was being treated the whole first year through the surgeries and original PT I was on either Vicodin or Percocet, both which got me through the horror - they used a shot of morphine on me when the surgeon got the bright idea to manually manupulate my index finger in ER to try and get it too move again - well he rebroke it doing so and it doesn't move now is stuck and no one seemed to think I had a malpractice case. anyone thankfully other than being non-useful to me and causing me annoyance as in not being able to open things easily and use my hand to grip, the finger barely causes me pain - every now and then a light throb, especially when weather is bad or changes. Leg however is a totally different story. Was with a PM Dr. for over 6 months he had me on Opana ER, Cymbalta and a muscle relaxer. The pain was never fully taken away from this combo, but I tolerated it for the most part but he also had me signed out of work on FMLA and I did 3x a week PT. During that time a foot dr. discovered I had a severe fallen arch that no one had caught yet, needless to say the medication made me a zombie and I became so unmotivated I lost my life to the point my family had to get involved and go with me six months down the line after I was losing my job, to ask this Dr. when does he stop just writing scripts and try and figure out why I am in so much pain. Needless to say Dr. got pissed off and then just signed me back in, went for another opinion and that Dr. said I shouldn't return to work and the difference in opinion and Metlife not granting me long term disability from short term disability ended with me losing my job. Second opinion did an EMG and MRI, they found slight to moderate nerve damage in leg and felt in the end it could be the regeneration of the nerves at this point causing me the discomfort and pain. I still limp however and now my knee seems out in my good (left leg) making it hard to get up from a sitting position. I am so fustrated and sick of Drs. I am paying through the nose for Cobra thinking I needed it, saw a neurologist who really just sent me to a new pain management Dr. who from first impression saw me for 15 mins and sent me out with a book of perscriptions including what seems like duplicates: ultram er, tramadol, methadone, celebrex and pretiq. I am so afraid to fill these at this point since the last set just made me a zombie and made me never le 1000 ave my house, sleep all day and not even have motivation to see friends and family. I do not want to go back to that state again. I have been up all night because I am having a bad attack of pain that feels like ants with razor sharp claws are crawling up and down my lower leg at a very slow speed to induce absolute torture to me, not allowing me to get comfortable at all. Overall since I had stoped the medication from the first bout and only took left over vicodins as needed - maybe every few days when the pain was bad - I got more done during that month, was so much of a happier person, getting back to my old self and getting stuff done with less pain - even my friends and family noticed the huge improvement. Yet tell a PM that, and for some odd reason they won't perscribe the one thing that actually works for me, but they'll give me all these crazy pills like methadone and opana. I just can't understand it. I have no history at all of addiction and I just don't trust doctors anymore. I don't know if I should fill this new set of scripts (luckily my best friend is a pharmacist, but she said the trimadal and the ultram was the same drug, which makes me wonder why do I need both? and then makes me question if this doctor is even good and doing the right thing) and just see if they work, or just try and go see more doctors. 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