вівторок, 11 травня 2010 р.

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My mother is 78 and had an ileostomy over a year ago. Reversal does not appear to be an option for her and she has developed a hernia below the stoma. Recently she has been experiencing bouts of extreme severe pain that can be non-stop for 8-12 hours. It does not appear to be a blockage as there is still deposits in her bag. She has had several tests run and they don't seem to come up with any partcular cause for this amount of pain. The area does appear to be swollen and she is very nauseous. She appears to be watching her diet closely, but I wonder if the pain is the results of some sort of blockage. Has anyone else experienced similar issues. I might also add that she already has a Fentenol pain patch for severe back pain and also takes additional pain medication every 4 hours, so this pain is severe enough that the pain medication does not cover it. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. levitra eye problems Magicman I have started a seperate post as requested. I know you want personal experiences . Art If you will post your answers to your personal experiences in the new post Thanks Search viagra viagra find edinburgh pages Pubic Hair

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I have gone under the knife 6 weeks ago , open surgey for removal of the prostate , recovery was hard in the first week, but after the tubes and cathetar were out i felt more free, and with minimal urinary problems. However i am 6 weeks post operation and now dealing with trying to acheive erections, i have experinced one or 2 in mid night sleep, however erousal does not create any for me yet, is it normal to develope this new skill which at least for me was very natural and very easy before surgery? i was very sexually active even at age 53 , and enjoyed full sexual life, and that was one of my main concern when i discussed treatment with my surgen, and opted to go with open surgery to minimize side effects, and spare as mcuh nervs system as possible. any one with open surgery that have experienced that process and can advise with some more insights of the process of erections?

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I got my implant appr 60 hours ago now. yesterday at hospital my docc said a huge haemathoma on the right side of my penisshaft was completely normal, but when I look at pictures whereothers have posted theirs mine looks horrible. makes my penis look round more than straight. getting afraid of an infectious haemathoma. feel stupid to contact doc again today as it looks as yesterday. Otherwise I am doing fine, not much pain, Use no painkillers at all actually. Got my implant very young, 34 yo, as all other treatments failed. So uncomfartably as it is right now I really wish thi one will help me kamagra downside Anyone tried this supplement from Enzymatic Therapy to increase libido? Any problems with hyperactivity, increase in blood pressure, insomnia? viagra 2 day delivery

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I don't know either sorry, I think I'd see another Dr, maybe a urolgist or someone thats trained in that speciality. I just don't think sometimes the family Dr,'s don't checks things enough. cb viagra kit

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