Lynne , I go by Denise. Thank you for answering my questions-that helps me understand. This is complicated so it can't be written in short paragraphs. Some similarities, I too have an autoimmune disorder mine is hashimotos thyroiditis, it injects lots of complications to my situation when my levels get off. Another FYI, I take the same meds. I did look for you and found a comprehensive inpatient pain program at NYU Medical Center. I found mostly when you go to a teaching and research hospital you are going to find good programs. Don't know if it is good, but you could research it. Currently I use a combo of things, not one thing does it by itself (1.epidural injections at various levels in my spine (the last set they injected Fentanyl directly into my spine and it brought the pain levels down to where we could manage them again, I think this is very similar to what the pump would do on a continuing bases, I use the patch and bt meds, neurontin in cycles for nerve pain, activity pacing, mental relaxation - plus all the other ice/heat, etc. If after reading the scale I included below if he is in the 9-10s by that scale then Lynne if I were you I would be immediately talking to all the doctors on the case and demanding an immediate action plan for bf. It is inhumane to let someone suffer this type of "9-10" pain for ongoing time. It isn't good for the nerve wiring either as our bodies learn about pain and recruit other, even healthy nerve cells to join the club. 1) Depression: It sounds like he is at the end of his rope. I made big strides with the help of a pain physcologist (PS). In the beginning I went 2 times a week, eventually 1 time, then now I only go once every 6 months just to check in and tune up my skills. I hope he is seeing is a specialist in pain psychology . That is what Mayo would do with him as well. When my pain was out of control I was in a severely depressed state and it made my pain (or preception of the pain) worse. It is like a vicious cycle - they feed on each other. Focus getting the depression under control and increasing the coping skills and techniques. This can be done while you are figuring out the other stuff to do. My 1000 PS used guided relaxation, it's almost like hypnosis, and it WORKS. When done correctly it is like a temporary pain free place. I eventually got to where I could do it myself at will. Also use lots of music, quiet, relaxing kind. Studies have shown music is something easy to add to your pain management plan that helps. For anyone that doesn't believe in this stuff, I tell them have you heard the stories about people who had to cut off their arms to save themselves? They got their brain thinking in a different place - that is what the PS will teach bf to do. 2) Pain levels. Out of everything this is the most critical thing when dealing with the doctors. When you are accurate with them - they listen more and seem to be able to reconcile what your are telling them and what they are "seeing". They are scientists and facts are really important. Pain 1 (mild) Most of the time, you don’t even think about it. It’s like having a mosquito bite. 2 (discomforting) Like when you get a hard pinch. 3 (tolerable) Like getting a shot. You adjust to it. 4 (distressing) Deep and strong, like stubbing your toe. 5 (very distressing) LIke constant mild back pain, walking on a sprained anke. You notice it all the time and become preoccupied with relieving the discomfort - normal activities are curtailed. 6 (intense) Deep, piercing or burning pain, strong, causes unclear thinking, inability to focus long on anything but the pain. Like a very bad sinus or stress headache and a bad back ache together. Most people can't hold jobs or maintain social relationships with constant 6 pain. 7 (very intense) This pain dominates your senses and you can't perform many of your normal ADLs , even simple stuff is impossible because you are so focused on pain. Comparable to migraine. 8 (utterly horrible) So intense that you cannot think, pain is now so intense that you cannot think clearly at all, and you might even go through personality changes. This level of pain would be comparable to child birth or a really bad migraine headache. 9 (excruciating/unbearable). Your pain is so intense makes you stop activities, social interaction, even answering simple questions becomes extremely difficult. It is difficult to think of anything else but your pain at this level. You may be severely uncomfortable even during rest or quiet times. 10 (unimaginable) Pain so powerful you are writhing and can slip into unconsciousness. I hope I helped. NP
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22 Cialis drug online prescription soma I have that book as well. no need to feel like an idiot. besides, i think i was at a place yesterday where any advice would have been met w/ my skepticism that comes out when i'm in that particular mindset. At any rate - i've read a fair amount of that book. i mostly skipped around to the parts that interested me. as for the fiber, well it did make me regular - a little too regular i think. it's weird, after the doc told me to back off of it and go back to the low res, something in me felt as though that was the right thing and i felt sort of a relief come over me which i still feel today. THat is reinforced by the fact that i've gone to the bathroom about 1/2 the times that i did yesterday at this time. also the burning is minimal too. thank you for your prayers. i gotta run for now, phil.
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